Since 1993 the 22nd of March is officially designated as World Water Day. This year's World Water Day theme focuses on the central role that water plays in creating and supporting good quality jobs. Today, half of the world's workers - 1.5 billion people - work in water-related sectors. Moreover, nearly all jobs, regardless of the sector, depend directly on water. Yet, despite the indelible link between jobs and water, millions of people whose livelihoods depend on water are often not recognized or protected by basic labour rights. Juliane Genn
A new way to fight for gender equalitiy on women´s day: A Day without a WomanWe all remember the major Women´s Marches that took place in January 2017. These demonstrations, held all over the world, were very successful, as many people, among them many celebrities, have joined. The marches, especially the major one in Washington D.C, gained a lot of attention in media. In this way these demonstrations have the power to raise awareness toward the still existing inequalities between the sexes. They point out that women still have fewer chances than men. Specifically in times of increasing success of right wing parties and populist politicians women´s rights are threatened – just take a look at Trumps opinion towards women´s reproductive rights. Meanwhile, the organizers of the Women´s March introduced, for the International Women´s Day on 8th March, a new way to stress how significant the fight for the equality of the sexes is. They call to every women to participate at A Day Without A Woman, to point out that all women are essential for society and economy and they must be recognized for that. The organizers of A Day Without A Woman invite women to take the day off from their paid or unpaid work. Through that, bosses should recognize that their business cannot run smoothly without the female workers– so why pay and appreciate them less for the same work? Further, women are invited to not go shopping. Due to that, shop owners, even big companies, shall realize the great importance of women´s participation once the female purchase power is gone. In these two ways A Day Without A Woman wants to show how significant the participation of women in society is. With no women at work people should see how meaningful they are for a business. Nevertheless, women receive lower wages then men for the same work. Women are more vulnerable to discrimination and sexual harassment at work. As well, women´s jobs are often more insecure than the men´s. If there are many women taking the day off at work, it has to be realized that working women (whether “just” in a household or a company) are indispensable for a smooth operation. Women can now stand together to show that their person counts. If the working power and money of women are so significant for economy and society, so why are they not treated like this? This year we can show it's wrong. Check out if this kind of rebellion is planned in your country! For further information: written by Teresa Kampfmann |
December 2024