Tragedy of Genoa, mirror of the national situation.
Collapse that caused the death of 42 dead, people who daily crossed the bridge to return home.
The collapse of Morandi bridge has caused a gash in the heart of Genoa. The wound is profound, it is made above all by the boundless pain for those who have lost their lives and for the missing, the wounded, the many displaced.
For the Italians this happened is the mirror of the terrible national situation.
According to experts, in Italy hundreds, perhaps thousands of bridges are deadly traps; to restore the country's infrastructures, a mountain of investments would be needed, but Italy is a prisoner of the euro and has a public debt that is equivalent to 132 per cent of GDP and costs 80 billion a year of interest.
As your young lover, my dear Italy, I don’t understand why you are so complicated. I don’t understand why we are overwhelmed by taxes but at the same time we don’t have infrastructure, shortages in public health, in the labor market, because pensions are at risk? why do we need to emigrate all abroad? My dear Italy i love you but I don’t understand, and I would like to improve you but I feel alone in a sea of disorder. I know that a young person should contribute to the growth of the country, but this is not the way.
Previous generations have ruined the present and the future of new generations.
If we decide to go abroad, forgive us.
We didn’t decide, we only had our wings cut off.
Written by Luigi Auriemma