All in all, we had four games of refugees against Panserraikos. The games last for 40 minutes each. First, childs and youths played, then older players and in the end the professionals of Panserraikos against not that professional players from the refugees. But even though the refugees objectively were chanceless, they never lost motivation and excitement. And finally they even scored a goal! The refugees, that were not playing at the time, enthusiastically supported the currently playing refugee team. They even had drums. Furthermore, everyone could get food and drinks from a buffet, so that nobody had to be hungry and everyone had enough to drink at this very hot day. Finally, the day found a round end with a big photo of all the participants.
Thanks to the organisers - I especially want to thank Pangiotis, who put the most work into the event – the motivated refugees, Panserraikos and also the beautiful weather, it became a very nice and successful day! Everyone had a lot of fun and it did not matter where you were from at all. Football brought us together. And I hope we could give the refugees the feeling that they are very welcome here and that they are a part of the community.
Paul Müller